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Ranne Vest: Selected Knitting Tutorials
Introduction 簡介
Vest intro(Ranne背心簡介) (4:22)
Buy your pattern (購買課程織圖)
Your receipts(請在此提供原版織圖購買證明)
Yarn choices(線材選擇) (3:14)
Yarn calculator(用線量計算公式 )
Needles sizes(針號) (2:46)
Notions(其他小工具) (1:39)
Read the pattern(閱讀織圖) (7:16)
Work Back 製作後片
Long-tail CO w/o estimating tail(免估算線長的手指掛線起針) (6:12)
Next row after CO(起針後的下一段) (6:19)
Troubleshooting(除錯) (4:51)
Row 1(第1段) (8:59)
Row 2(第2段) (5:05)
Row 3: 4-st CL & 4-st CR(第3段:4針目左&右扭麻花) (8:07)
Row 4 (第4段) (4:32)
Row 5(第5段) (4:37)
Row 6: same as row 2(第6段:針法同第2段) (2:18)
Row 7: w/o cable needle & 6-st cables(第7段:免用麻花針&6針目麻花) (7:47)
補充資料:How to fix cables(如何修正麻花方向) (13:13)
Row 8(第8段) (5:46)
Knit with rhythm(編織的節奏) (5:10)
Wrong size?(尺寸錯了嗎?) (2:30)
Armhole Shaping 做出袖孔
M1R & M1L(右扭加下針&左扭加下針) (8:23)
New rhythm(新的節奏) (0:56)
Continue armhole(繼續加針袖孔) (2:18)
Co for underarm: row 22(起針腋下:第22段) (5:13)
Co for underarm: row 23(起針腋下:第23段) (2:33)
Row 24(第24段) (4:03)
Body Length 主體長度
Body repeats(主體重複) (3:28)
Use Your Yarn 線材使用技巧
Join yarn in textured pattern(滿版圖樣接線) (4:00)
Dealing with ends(處理線尾) (1:10)
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Row 1(第1段)
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