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Tin Roof Tee Knitting Tutorials
Introduction 簡介
Natural dyed linen yarn by Shangdrok(北方牧人植物染亞麻線) (2:58)
Tin Roof Tee(鐵皮屋頂拼色短衫) (5:13)
Dowland your patterns(下載織圖)6NOV2022更新中英對照織圖
Read the pattern(織圖配色說明) (2:38)
About gauge(密度說明)
About Pattern 織圖導引
Yardage & size (用線長度 & 尺寸選擇) (3:21)
Needles & notions(針號&其他用品) (2:04)
Constructions(衣服結構) (2:24)
Let's Cast on! 起針吧!
Cast on(起針) (7:18)
Sleeve edges(袖口起伏針) (6:28)
Next row: RS(下一段:正面) (6:19)
Next row: WS(下一段:背面) (1:19)
Shape Sleeve Cap 製作包袖
Short rows(引返) (8:15)
Repeat SR(重複引返) (1:47)
Finish SR(完成引返) (1:46)
Slip all sts(滑移全部針目) (3:03)
Back & Front 製作前後片
Preparing for cable co(準備麻花起針) (4:54)
Cable CO RS(麻花起針法:正面) (4:18)
Knit CO sts(開始織下針) (4:17)
Cable CO WS(麻花起針法:背面) (4:23)
Purl CO sts(開始織上針) (3:45)
After cable co(起針後結構說明) (1:07)
Work Part 1&4 第1部分與第4部分
Row 1(第1段) (6:37)
Row 2(第2段) (3:48)
Row 3(第3段) (4:38)
Row 4 & Reps(第4段&重複說明) (2:30)
Common errors(肩線常見錯誤) (5:46)
Join C1 to RS(在正面接上色號1) (2:39)
Boxes on the right(織圖右側方格) (2:25)
Part 2: Left Back 第2部分:左後片
Rows 1&2 for left back(左後片第1、2段) (5:06)
Rows 3&4& reps(第3、4段及重複) (3:12)
Join yarn(接線) (4:26)
Put left back on hold(左後片暫時不織) (4:26)
Part 3: Left Front 第3部分:左前片
left front(左前片) (6:45)
One-move ssk(一步驟左斜併針) (2:47)
Put left side on hold(左半片移到他處) (2:59)
Right Side 右半片
CO right side(起針右半片) (3:15)
Knitting while(適合編織的時光) (4:18)
Stop for right side(右片停看聽) (1:19)
FERNER WOLLE soft mix(課程線材使用心得) (1:42)
Tell the difference(左右有別) (2:30)
Right front(右前片) (4:33)
Join Fronts 連接前片
Russian grafting: Intro(俄式接合法:簡介) (7:46)
Russian grafting: how-to(俄式接合法:操作示範) (5:43)
Grafting fronts(接合前片) (3:26)
Tips for grafting(接合訣竅) (4:08)
Part 6: Right Back 第6部分:右後片
Row 1(第1段) (5:16)
Rows 2 to 4 & Rep(第2到4段&重複說明) (4:30)
Join back (連接後片) (6:14)
Seaming 縫合
Seaming explained(縫合簡介) (3:29)
Seaming demonstrated(縫合示範) (10:05)
Running out of yarn(線太短了!) (5:23)
Underarm seaming(腋下縫合) (6:01)
Part 7: Bottom & Hem 第7部分:下半部及下襬
Weave in ends(藏線) (6:46)
Pick up & knit for bottom(下半部挑針) (4:55)
Modify instructions(修改操作說明) (4:21)
Tips for pick up & knit(挑針小訣竅) (4:38)
Purl for bottom(下半部上針) (4:14)
Length & ribbing(衣長&下襬羅紋) (5:34)
Correct st numbers(修正針目數) (2:35)
Check before BO(收針前確認) (4:12)
BO(收針) (4:07)
Take a break(中場休息) (0:58)
Last st in BO(套收最後1針目) (4:50)
Finishing 修飾步驟
To weave in or not to weave in(藏與不藏間) (6:31)
Wet blocking(下水定型) (9:04)
Teach online with
left front(左前片)
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