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Sophie Scarf by PetiteKnit Knitting Tutorials
Introduction 簡介
Why Sophie scarf? (為什麼織蘇菲圍巾) (4:27)
Sophie Scarf by PetiteKnit(熱門織圖介紹:蘇菲圍巾) (3:21)
Where everything begins(課程緣起)
Knitting Sophie scarf(編織蘇菲圍巾) (4:27)
Buy & Read Your Pattern 買了再讀
English pattern(英文織圖)
Chinese pattern(中文織圖)[24April2023更新]
Your receipts(請在此提供原版織圖購買證明)
Read the pattern(開始讀織圖) (10:09)
Read the pattern continu'd(繼續讀織圖) (8:03)
Yarns 線材說明
Yarn audition (配線) (5:43)
Yarns to avoid(建議避開的線材) (1:45)
Double check your yardage(確認線量) (1:32)
Pairing mohair(毛海配線) (3:52)
Let's Cast on! 來起針吧!
CO(起針) (6:35)
Row 1(第1段) (2:32)
Row 2 to 7(第2到7段) (5:06)
我的繩編編織不整齊!(Help! My i-cord is not neat enough!)
Sophie Scarf 重複段數表 by Gloria Lin
Increases 加針
Row 8 and beyond(第8段及之後) (1:54)
Rep rows 1 to 8(重複第1到8段) (4:18)
Stop increasing(停止加針) (1:33)
Various increases(不同的加針段數) (3:30)
Decrease 減針
Prepare to decrease(準備減針) (3:14)
skp(左斜套收併針) (2:36)
Join Yarn 接線
Join mohair(毛海接線) (3:15)
Work in progress(確認進度) (4:37)
Add yarn(補線) (4:01)
BO(收針) (1:55)
Finishing 修飾
Weave in ends(藏線) (6:25)
Wet blocking(下水定型) (5:47)
Show & Tell 蘇菲圍巾作品區
Share your work(分享您的作品)
Teach online with
Chinese pattern(中文織圖)[24April2023更新]
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