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Portia by Cocoknits Knitting Tutorials
Introduction 簡介
Buy your pattern (購買課程織圖)
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Translated pattern(織圖中譯本)1NOV2024更新
Portia by Cocoknits(Cocoknits編織法背心) (4:16)
Read the pattern(閱讀織圖) (10:46)
Needle sizes(針號) (1:15)
Notions(其他小工具) (1:07)
About Yarns 關於線材
Yarns in tutorials(課程用線) (6:32)
Gauge & Size Calculator(Portia背心密度尺寸換算器) (7:09)
Yarn calculator(用線量計算公式 )
Let's Start! 開始吧!
Cast on(CO,起針) (3:47)
Set up row(預備段) (2:23)
Section I Upper Back 第一部分 上背
Row 1: KLL & KRL(第一段:左提線加下針&右提線加下針) (7:44)
Row 2: PLL & PRL(第2段:左提線加上針&右提線加上針) (4:43)
Rows 3, 7, 11 (RS)(針法相同的正面段) (3:05)
Rows 4, 8, 12 (WS)(針法相同的背面段) (2:33)
Repeats explained(重複次數說明) (6:05)
Hanging markers(掛上記號圈) (1:59)
Section I Back to Underarm 第一部分 後背到腋下
Filling in your worksheet(填寫毛衣工作表格)19DEC2024新增補充說明 (6:23)
Work with your worksheet 1(依工作表格操作一) (5:04)
Work with your worksheet 2(依工作表格操作二) (3:20)
Work with your worksheet 3(依工作表格操作三) (2:18)
Work with your worksheet 4(依工作表格操作四) (2:35)
Increased rows(加針段) (9:18)
Read the new stitch(判斷新針目) (1:43)
Fixing Yarn 處理線結
Join yarn(接線) (3:31)
Section II Shoulders, Fronts to Underarm 第二部分 肩部、前片到腋下
Put on hold(暫時放置) (2:40)
Pick up then knit step 1(Cocoknits挑針法步驟一) (6:22)
Pick up then knit step 2(Cocoknits挑針法步驟二) (4:39)
Left shoulder set up row(左肩預備段) (1:22)
4-rows repeats (4段重複) (5:42)
Worksheet for left front(左前片工作表格) (4:48)
Left front no inc rows(左前片不加針段) (4:28)
Left front neckline inc row(左前片領口加針段) (3:28)
Left front neckline & armhole inc row (左前片領口+袖孔加針段) (3:57)
Left front armhole inc row(左前片袖孔加針段) (4:09)
Put left front on hold(左前片暫時不織) (1:32)
Right shoulder & front(右肩和右前片) (8:47)
Worksheets for different sizes(不同尺寸的工作表格) (0:33)
Section III Joint Fronts and Back 第三部分 連接前後片
Joining L & R fronts(連接左右前片) (5:29)
BLCO(捲加針) (6:17)
Set-up rnd(捲加針後的預備圈) (5:20)
Waffle stitch in rnd(圈織鬆餅格紋) (5:53)
Length of body(主體長度) (2:02)
Finishing 修飾步驟
Preparing for V-neck ribbing(準備操作V領羅紋) (6:14)
Picking up V-neck(V領挑針) (9:43)
Knit a rnd(操作下針一圈) (3:14)
Knit V-neck center(V領中心下針) (4:35)
Rnd 1 of V-neck ribbing(V領羅紋第1圈) (7:58)
Dec for V-neck(V領減針) (5:27)
Non-dec rnds for V-neck(V領不減針圈) (2:51)
BO V-neck(V領收針) (9:33)
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Non-dec rnds for V-neck(V領不減針圈)
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